Winti Culture, an Afro-Suriname religion.

Winti is an Afro-Suriname religion and culture with a strong social foundation. Winti has its own reference of notions and core symbols: the four elements: Mother-earth, water fire and air-and its own magical ritual acts as wel.
Winti has also strong roots in the Afro-American religion.
A short explanation about Winti

Henri  J.M  Stephen has now written, in the English language:

  • "Winti Culture"

  •    "Mysteries, Voodoo and realities
        of an Afro-Caribbean Religion in                                 
        Suriname and  The Netherlands"
    A radiant entertaining book, transmitting the insights of a centuries old tradition.
    More info about this book

    Henri J.M. Stephen has also written eight books in Dutch, under which:

  • "Winti en Hulpverlening"

  •         (Winti and Care giving. Dutch edition)
  • "Geneeskruiden van Suriname"

  •         "Hun toepassing in de volksgeneeskunde en in de magie"
            (Herbs of Suriname, application in the popular health care and for magical purposes. Dutch edition)

    More info about these books

    webmaster C.J.van der Mark jr.